The views and clarifications expressed in these pages don’t have for purpose to define -and therefore limit- the meaning of my work, as the painting is by definition inexhaustible nature, but rather to enter into dialogue with the observer, discuss things I have explored, investigated and elucidated during gestation and creation.
The work shown into this section is a group of works that make up what we have been calling for archaic remnants series. I believe that a set of works point to the same direction when there are certain things floating in the air. Probably in this series I wanted to cover many aspects, open records and widen a speech. It is likely, and somehow appropriate.
Archaic Remnants is the entrance archway to a pictorial system that substantivate a kind of artistic atavism, without attempting to shed light on the issues, nor serve the painting in a disciplinary sense, but rather the steady breathing of a constructed reality that lies beyond our comprehensive powers and imposes fully.